indoor planting para tontos

indoor planting para tontos

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The Swiss Cheese Plant is a trendy indoor plant with large, heart-shaped leaves adorned with natural holes or fenestrations.

I don’t need to tell you that you need to water your plants. But because overwatering is the most common cause of death for indoor plants, let’s make sure you are watering your plants not too much, not too little, but just right.

Leaves are actually wonderful communicators. The problem is we are bad listeners. Here’s how to know what your plant needs by listening to the leaves:

Helpful Tips: Dieffenbachia doesn't need a ton of light, but in the winter it'll appreciate being near windows if possible.

Does it dry within a few days? That’s good for most houseplants. If the soil stays wet all week, then that’s a sign you need to figure out a better solution for improving airflow or watering less.

Remember to read your plants; they will tell you what they need. Are they getting yellow leaves or any burn spots? Maybe try a spot not as close to the window. Are they looking long and leggy? Get them some more light so they don’t continue to grow to reach for the light.

Place your fiddle-leaf fig (aka ficus lyrata) in a corner to create a dramatic focal point. Water this plant only when the top inch of the soil is dry, and make sure it gets bright, indirect light.

Keep the plant near a window because the changes in temperature throughout the day will create a light “breeze.” You Chucho also take the plant outside during the warmer months for a few hours during the day to get some better airflow.

This delightful plant is not a true palm but a succulent. It features a thick, swollen trunk that stores water and long, thin leaves that arch out from the top, resembling a ponytail.

The leaves on vegetable seeds the dieffenbachia are a lovely mix of bright green and white speckles and its shape is great for homes after a tropical or beachy aesthetic. It does appreciate humidity, so a humidifier or misting of its leaves is always helpful. Light: Partial

If you love color, the Nasa chinese evergreen is a great plant for your living room. The plant’s leaves are variegated and the color of the foliage will be brighter when it gets more light. They are toxic to pets if ingested. Name: Chinese Evergreen (

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Planting the seeds too deeply. Make sure to follow the instructions with your seeds, and don’t just throw any amount of soil on your plants. Some seeds Perro be placed on top of the soil. Others want to be under the soil’s surface.

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